Sunday 30 March 2014

Music Breakdown

Description of Sound/Music
Bar of 8 counts
Description of Dance
0:00 – 0:12
Violin melody playing, the main melody in the whole piece.
Also accompanied by piano chords.
Dancer 1 walks our from the side, followed by Dancer 2, both ending in a position with right arm in front of body.
0:12 – 0:31
Continued violin melody, with piano chords in the background.
3 1/4
Dancers do a small section of dance downstage.
0:31 – 0:35
Loud crash and boom
Dancers arms fall and they roll and run offstage to the side.
0:35 – 0:46
Plain piano melody with piano chords.
Dancer 1 walks in from Stage Right, followed by Dancer 2 walking in from Stage Left.
0: 47 – 1:04
Breaking news report on the attack, piano chords playing as well.
3 1/4
Dancers do a section in unison on the floor and then separate to stage left and right.
1:04 – 1:20
Plain alternating piano chords
In canon, dancers perform a development before rolling to the floor for a slow section.
1:20 – 1:28
Continued piano chords, with an additional layer of a different melody playing over the chords.
1 1/2
Dancer 1 runs away from Dancer 2 before coming back to pick Dancer 2 off the floor.
1:28 – 1:30
Complete silence
Dancer 1 lifts Dancer 2 on her back. On counts 3 and 4, Dancer 2 kicks her leg upwards 3 times.
1:30 – 1:39
Piano chords building up towards silence again.
1 1/2
In unison, dancers perform a motif facing the front.
1:39 – 1:41
Complete silence.  
Dancers do a motif step, where balancing on one leg and they lean off balance.
1:41 – 2:00
Continued piano chords and melody. At the same time, a speech by the president is overlapping.
3 1/2
Both dancers perform plane related motifs followed by another ‘protection’ motif simultaneously.
2:00 – 2:03
Complete silence
Both dancers on the floor, ‘breathe in’ and bring body up.
2:03 – 2:09
An echo of the words ‘mad world’ is played
Dancers run around in a circle, as if Dancer 1 is trying to chase Dancer 2.
2:09 – 2:25
Loud boom and crash to illustrate the second plane crashing, followed by news report.
Dancer 2 ‘dies’ and lies on floor. Dancer 1 runs and tries to help Dancer 2 but is unable to.  
2:25 – 2:30
‘Thank you. Goodnight. And god bless America’ – The words of the president’s speech.
Dancer 1 stands in the middle of the stage and salutes the audience.  

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